Question Time. See how you do. 1, Can you legally stop your vehicle in the yellow box. (see photo below of a Yellow Box Junction. A, No, never. B, Yes if you are turning right, and held up by oncoming traffic. C, Yes. Due to an enforced stoppage in the traffic ahead. D, Yes. Only outside of peak times. 2, Is it illegal to ride with incorrect tyre pressures. A, Yes. B, No, so long as there is sufficient tread. C, No. So long as they are within 10% of manufacturers recommendations. D, No, so long as one out of your two tyres is correct. 3, Can you legally park your motorcycle on the pavement. A, Only in a designated ‘pavement parking’ street. B, No. You must only park on the road. C, Yes, so long as you don’t ride it and only push it o park. D, Yes, so long as you don’t think you causing an obstruction. 4, What is the recommended sequence for applying your brakes in an emergency stop. A, Front Brake only. B, Back Brake only. C, Both Brakes together. Rear Brake first, then the front. D, Both Brakes together. Front Brake just before the rear brake. Stay Safe everybody. It won’t be much longer now.

from 1st Class Rider Training

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