All posts by Andy Smith

Cardiff NSPCC Children’s Centre

1st Class Rider Training – Cardiff are please to support the NSPCC and recently we donated money collected on our monthly rideouts to the NSPCC fund for their new Children’s Centre in Cardiff.

I have received the following letter from the NSPCC.

” Dear Supporter,

Thank you for your recent donation of £155 to the NSPCC. Your generous gift has gone directly towards helping to create a brand new NSPCC Centre in Cardiff.

This new NSPCC Centre will help us deliver the very best therapeutic services in a purpose built environment and will give hundreds of children the chance of a better future.

So, on behalf of the children that will visit the NSPCC Centre, thank you. It’s fantastic to know that there are people like you that care about children, who often have no one else to turn to.

With many thanks and regards

Christine Wood.

Relationship Manager  ”

So, I too would like to add my thanks to all of you who donate so generously on each ride out. Your money is going to such a worthy cause.

For details of the New NSPCC Children’s Centre in Cardiff visit

Thank you.

Andy Smith 1st Class Rider Training- Cardiff

Thunderroad Motorcycles

I have been asked recently to clarify an issue that has arisen from a recent radio advertising campaign by Thunderroad Motorcycles of Bridgend & Cwmbran.

They are advertising a new 125 cc bike and the radio ad claims “and it can be ridden on a car licence”.

In the ‘small print’ at the end of the ad it does say “CBT required”.  To say it can be ridden on a car licence is not strictly correct as a car licence alone is not sufficient and you must have a licence which shows Category A (Which is Motorcycles).  Most car licences do show Category A as a provisional entitlement, but not all do. Of course you would be riding this 125 (or any 125 for that matter) on a Bike Licence- which may be included on a Full Car licence.

But it’s a bit like saying I can drive a Bus on my Bike Licence.

So you need to check your licence to make sure it shows Category A, otherwise you will not be able to ride it at all, or you will be riding it without a licence, whether you’ve passed your car test or not!

Slow Maneuvering & Emergency Braking Day

1st Class Rider Training-Cardiff are holding another Slow Maneuvering & Emergency Braking Day.

Sunday the 12th of July to be held at Cardiff County Council Road Safety Centre, Briardene, North Road Cardiff.

Come and learn the skills that Police riders have to master before being let out on the road.

Under close supervision you will be guided through the skills needed to maintain balance and clutch control to aid slow speed riding. Filtering through traffic, tight left and right turns etc.

Also you will get the chance to practice emergency braking, again under controlled conditions.  We believe that emergency stops are rarely practiced by riders after passing their test.  But we believe that this skill, above many others may save your life one day.  If it is something that you last tried on your test, then now may be the time for you to refresh your memory…before it’s too late.

Give us a call on 0845 467 0165 for details and to reserve a place, or visit my newsletter blog to sign up for future up dates on courses and events.

It’ll be the best thing you ever spent your money on!

Motorcycle Training South Wales

The face of Motorcycle Training in South Wales has certainly changed recently.  With the implementation of the new, split practical motorcycle test.

With just 2 Multi Purpose Test Centres serving South Wales it means greater pressure is being put on the testing system as motorcycle training schools from as far afield as Hereford and Mid Wales, converge on South Wales to take the new test.

Motorcycle Training Schools in South Wales have the choice of just 2 new test centres for the Part 1 test.  They are situated at Newport and Swansea.

Previously the motorcycle test could be taken at test centres at;



Merthyr Tydfil







Llandrindodd Wells

So you can see how losing these numerous test centres has put pressure on the test booking and testing systems in the 2 South Wales sites.

We at 1st Class Rider Training-Cardiff are pleased to say that even with the added test booking demand we have been able to obtain tests for our students and we have the use of an excellent training area where we can simulate the new test centre layout.

We are more than satisfied that we have been able to meet the new demands for Motorcycle Training in South Wales, head on and we have been able to continue to enjoy a very high pass rate for the new 2 part motorcycle test.

So if you are looking for Motorcycle Training in South Wales please give us a call and we will be happy to advise you on the best course for you.

Trip to The Somme. France 4th September

Following on from our earlier successful trips to World War I & World War II sites, 1st Class Rider Training-Cardiff are re-visiting The Somme Region.

A weekend trip from Dover to Calais on Friday the 4th of September and returning on the evening of Sunday the 6th.

For just £250, which will include your ferry, Bed & Breakfast in France and my professional guided services.  Plenty of interesting and thought provoking sites and miles of fantastic roads.

The trip will be restricted to just 10 riders and there are just a few spaces left.  So if you’ve been before…come again.  If you’ve never been then why not sample the joys of riding in France under the guidance and experience of a seasoned rider. (some say ‘Well Seasoned’  – Cheek!)

For full details visit my newsletter blog at and let me know if you are interested.

French Tours with 1st Class Rider Training-Cardiff

1st Class Rider Training-Cardiff also run trips to France & Belgium.  We recently did a very successful and moving trip to visit the War Graves in The Somme and Belgium.

The next trip will coincide with the 65th Anniversary of The D Day landings and will visit Normandy Beaches, Pegasus Bridge and World War II sites.

Full details of this trip can be found on our Newsletter Blog.  Just click on the link on the left.

New Motorcycle Test

Well it is in and what a start.  I’m pleased to say that 1st Class Rider Training-Cardiff has had a success with our first student going forward for the New Part 1 of the 2 Part Test, passing with a fault free ride.

Others were not so fortunate and reports in the press showed four crashes and one broken arm on the first day of the new safety manoeuvres part of the test.

With no motorcycle test centre in Cardiff we have to travel to Swansea or Newport for the Part 1 of the test.  We then get a choice for the Part 2 (on road practical riding) and the choice is Swansea, Newport or Merthyr.  Yes, again, No Cardiff motorcycle tests.

What this means is that the demand for motorcycle tests has far out stripped the availability.

Tests which could have been taken in Cardiff, Abergavenny, Bridgend, Cwmbran and many other regional, ‘local’ test centres can now only be taken at the limited number the DSA have provided for us.

The DSA are proud of what they have achieved!  But now you try getting at test for students.  At Newport last week there were training schools from Monmouth and as far as Hereford with students for tests.  Newport is now their ‘local’ test centre.

So take away the misfortune of the crashing test candidates on day one, it is the ‘crashing’ of the testing and booking system, buckling under the strain of there not being enough test centres that will carry the lasting damage.

The industry is struggling, and the DSA think they have met their targets.

Riders of Cardiff Opens it’s Doors

Riders of Cardiff, the new BMW & Ducati Dealership opens it’s door officially this weekend at Sloper Road in the City. (Saturday the 9th & Sunday the 10th of May 2009).

Just along the road from Cardiff City’s new Stadium, you are assured a warm welcome from Dealer Principal, Kevin and his dedicated sales team.

The dealership will be launching two new bikes this weekend.  The new BMW F800 R and the Ducati Streetfighter.

Kevin has invited us at 1st Class Rider Training-Cardiff to ‘be a presence’ at the dealership and we certainly hope to continue the links with Kevin that we enjoyed when he was in charge at Aston Martin/Porsche and Ducati at North Road

Riders of Cardiff is a long awaited next chapter in BMW bikes sales in Cardiff.

Over the weekend Riders will be providing entertainment, a BBQ, competitions and free give aways to customers who pay a visit, as well as ‘some great opening offers’.

1st Class Rider Training-Cardiff are please to be supporting this event and we will see you there.

NSPCC. Supporter Number 6026185

A big Thank You to all of you who donate so freely during our Monthly Ride Outs.  The last ride out raised £50 and I have received the following letter from the NSPCC. (Reproduced here in part)

”     On behalf of the NSPCC Cymru/Wales thank you for your kind and generous donation of £50 towards our work to end cruelty to children.  We are pleased to enclose receipt number 586354.

Your support is vital to ensure we can continue with our work in preventing cruelty to children.  We rely on the support of the general public for 87% of our funding. Without your support we would have to close our services within six months.

Here are just a few of the ways donations such as your own are used in Wales and The Borders;

National Child Protection Helpline – Annualy, approximately 147,000 calls were made to the Helpline. The service also provides support in Welsh and five Asian languages.


CHILDLINE CYMRU/WALES – is a service provided by the NSPCC and is the free 24 hour national helpline for children and young people in distress or danger. It takes a lot of courage from a child in need to make the step to call CHILDLINE and sadly due to lack of funds only around half of these calls are answered. Children call CHILDLINE for support, advice and to voice their concerns.  Without CHILDLINE their voices may never be heard and these children would not get the help they are crying out for.

The children that we help can never thank you personally but here is a quotation from one child who has recently been supported;

‘Without the help of the NSPCC  I don’t know how I would have coped. My life is now stable, I can’t forget what happened, but I am able to live and grow. I can’t thank you enough’.

If you would like to know more about the work of the NSPCC either visit our website at or give me a call on 0207 650898

Yours Sincerely

Julie George

Community fund Raising Manager     ”

Thank you to all who have donated.


Race Retro Show

The International Historic Motorsport Show 2009 takes place at Stoneleigh Park, Coventry on the weekend of the 13th – 15th of March.

The show is advertised as being “Packed with stands, bike features, live restoration and celebrity guests, Steve Parrish, mick Grant and on Sunday Guy Marsh.

Live action includes.. pre 65 trial bike demonstrations….Celebrating 50th Anniversary of Triumph Bonneville”

With free parking you can book in advance on the Hotline 0871 230 7157.

Classic Competition Cars & Bikes, On Road, Off Road, and On Track.

Something for everyone.  so if you are not joining our 1st Class Rider Training, Rideout to Penderyn Whisky Distillery and you want somewhere else to go then why not the Historic Classic Show.

For details of the 1st Class Rider Training Rideout on the 15th of March visit our Newsletter Blog.