Category Archives: Cardiff Motorcycle Lessons

Too Hot, but Looking Cool! A 1st Class cbt today for Ahmed and Remi. Ahmed renewing his cbt and has a scooter ready and waiting. First time for Remi, who did well on the geared bike. He has the bug now and is looking to possibly take advantage of our Lexmoto discount voucher and get himself a 125. 1st Class.

from 1st Class Rider Training

It’s not always a success. Sometimes test results can be very frustrating. A candidate on test, waited at a similar traffic light signal, intending to turn right, and waited, and waited! Waiting for the filter to come on (which a ‘part time filter light’ doesn’t always do). So waiting at a green light, when the road is clear to turn cost the test. It is so frustrating when a test is lost due to such a ‘rule of the road’ issue, especially as this is something we specifically discussed during the training day. Green means, Go if the way is Clear.

from 1st Class Rider Training