Category Archives: Motorcycle Training

Motorcycle Training news, from 1st Class Rider Training – Cardiff.

Today’s view from the office. We made it to Land’s End today. If you were expecting the traditional picture of the finger post sign, I thought this sign in the last village before Land’s End was far more intriguing!

Today’s view from the office.

We made it to Land’s End today. If you were expecting the traditional picture of the finger post sign, I thought this sign in the last village before Land’s End was far more intriguing! From:

Today’s view from the office. On the home straight at Aintree Racecourse! The handling on the bend at the end wasn’t great so I had to pull up before Beechers Brook! The Ride Across Britain leaves Liverpool today for Ludlow. Well over half way now.

Today’s view from the office.

On the home straight at Aintree Racecourse! The handling on the bend at the end wasn’t great so I had to pull up before Beechers Brook!

The Ride Across Britain leaves Liverpool today for Ludlow.

Well over half way now. From:

Today’s view from the office. I saw this sign, so I went to open an account! Was I disappointed its not a Bank at all. Crossing Cumbria today, from Carlisle to Aintree Racecourse. A night in Liverpool. Over Galway now to Land’s End.

Today’s view from the office.

I saw this sign, so I went to open an account!

Was I disappointed its not a Bank at all.

Crossing Cumbria today, from Carlisle to Aintree Racecourse.

A night in Liverpool. Over Galway now to Land’s End. From: