Pink Ribbon Ride Out today.
Here are some of the 20 bikes who joined us on the Ride to Machynlleth. Wearing Pink Ribbons for April Jones. £120 was added to her fund. Well done & thank you. From:
A Grand Day Out.
Stephen & Jason all smiles after both passing their Mod 1 Bike Test at their first attempt today. And Jason bought me breakfast. A Grand Day Out for sure!! From:
Mike & His Fireblade. “an Excellant Day”!
Advanced Training today for Mike who had a 1st Class Gift Voucher for his birthday. Passing his test in the 70’s this was his first formal training. From:
Preparing for the test.
On his step up day today Jason enjoys the 600. The step up day emphasises the extra response of the throttle & effectiveness of the brakes compared to his 125cc. From:
Roger gets to grips with the 600 as he practices the Avoidance exercise today. Swerving around the cone at 30mph. From:
It’s never too late to start.
On a Cbt today with Ricardo, Sak & Sheila. Sheila at 61 has just bought a scooter and proves its never too late to be a biker chick! Well done to them. From:
Ready for the Road.
Instructor Dixie gets Lisa & Josh ready for the road ride on their CBT today. Lisa has a Harley waiting for her & Josh will be out riding his Aprillia tomorrow. Well Done. From:
Here is Mark taking to the big bike with ease today, practising for his Mod 1 test to come. Enjoying the Autumn sunshine! From:
The October issue is out now and you can get your copy, free from us. Filled with news & reviews, including the new Triumph tourer. Get yours now! From:
Direct Access Training today, Jon & Dan came across the Warning Sign for toads. Can anyone guess where we are? From: