Reasons to be cheerful…… How to stay the right side of the law and keep your money in your pocket. Some simple things that could cost you when out riding. The obvious ones like speeding and defective tyres will put points on your licence, but heres a couple of simple, avoidable ones. Your helmet must be securely fastened. I know it’s hot and can be tempting to leave it undone, but you’re classed as ‘not wearing an approved safety helmet, securely fastened’. Also it’ll fly off in a collision, so it’s no good to you then. If the strap is undone, you risk a fine and possible injury. L Plates. Not displaying L plates correctly can incur points on your licence. On a bike, you need a pair. So it’s no good just having one on the back. Each one is a separate offence, which can incur points on your licence for each one that’s missing. Also the L plate must not be cut down (see the picture). They should be the standard 7″ square. So again, doing this can incur a fine and points on your licence. It’s a condition of your driving licence that requires them to be displayed correctly. If you are riding with a noisy exhaust, a black visor or a tiny number plate, you are just drawing attention to yourself but if you ride sensibly and reasonably you are less likely to get stopped, and you can keep your money in your pocket! Take care when you start riding again. Stay Safe.

from 1st Class Rider Training

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