Slow Manouevering & Emergency Braking Day.
Scheduled for Saturday 31st July.
This is a one day course where we will teach you the art of slow control and you can get a taste of what we had to go through before we were let loose on the road on a Police Patrol Bike. Also you will get to try some of the exercises recently introduced for the new two part motorcycle test. Would you be able to pass it? Come and give it a go.
Also on the day we will teach you the technique for safe emergency braking and you will get to try it in the wet as we ‘make it rain’ just for you to practice emergency stops in the wet.
Also we finish off the day with a race. A SLOW race that is. The last one to cross the line wins. No stopping, no feet down, and any stalling and you’re out.
Come and join us and learn some new ‘life saving’ new skills.
This is a full day course and spaces will be limited to just 10 bikes per course.
The cost of this course will be just £90 per person and that is amazing value. (a CBT cost more than that).
If you wish to book a place or just want more details please contact me. As soon as possible.